Hello there, you've reached my web site! Here you'll find information about me, Anthony. I plan to add more content in the near future so feel free to keep checking back.
Currently, you'll be able to find my resume, contact Me, and a short summary of myself from the links above.
If you're still not sure who I am, please check out the "About" page above.
Should I add any sub-content, you'll be able to navigate it from a menu that will appear to the left of this paragraph.
Thanks for visiting!
(site created on 03/09/2009, stuff last updated on 3/09/2009)
Currently, you'll be able to find my resume, contact Me, and a short summary of myself from the links above.
If you're still not sure who I am, please check out the "About" page above.
Should I add any sub-content, you'll be able to navigate it from a menu that will appear to the left of this paragraph.
Thanks for visiting!
(site created on 03/09/2009, stuff last updated on 3/09/2009)